Math Websites: Meaty Problems
See also my Games and Puzzles list.
GENERAL PROBLEMS AND PUZZLES (ordered very roughly by likely age of interest, youngest to oldest)
- Numeracy Tasks (All Grade Bands) | Peter Liljedahl
- NRICH enriching mathematics
British site with lots of cool problems.
- 1001 Math Problems | Sian Zelbo
Fun, fairly complicated visual and logic math problems that don't require more than elementary school math. Same author has very fun site, but that's now removed from public view.
- Play With Your Math
Most of these puzzles require only elementary-level math content knowledge, but they are not easy to solve! Fun challenges! Many are classics. Recommended by NCTM's Teaching Children Mathematics.
- Math Tasks | youcubed
- Brain Teasers | NCTM Illuminations
Various cool problems aimed at different age levels. Good to browse!
- 30 Math Starters (Quick Puzzles)
Recommended on a UK site. Quick but interesting puzzle problems. Look mainly geared for upper elementary.
- Inside Mathematics
Includes Common Core resources, problems of the month, performance tasks and other assessments, etc.
- Open Middle: Challenging math problems worth solving
Problems with a defined beginning and end, but an "open middle": different solution paths and problem solving techniques could be used.
- Would You Rather?
Asks students to choose their own path and justify it.
- Problems for Developing Mathematical Habits of Mind | NRICH
Problems designed to encourage certain mathematical habits of mind: being curious, collaborative, thoughtful, or determined.
- Math Explorers' Club | Cornell Dept. of Mathematics
Advanced math "modules" for middle school & high school students. Wow!!
- Five Triangles
Terrific, complicated, fun problems, especially for geometry and for math-lovers.
- Brilliant (Math & Science Problems)
Free. Graphite's recommendation says Brilliant has excellent problems and adapts to students' performance, but is probably best for high-end students. Some problems have a test-prep orientation.
- Math Teacher Resources from I Speak Math
Big list of math teaching resources, with pointers to lesson plans, problems, professional development...
- Sunday Puzzle | io9
Aimed at adults, but likely to have good kid puzzles sometimes too.
PROBLEMS AND PUZZLES FOR PARTICULAR TOPICS AND SKILLS (ordered roughly by age, youngest to oldest)
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